Increasingly complex marketplaces and distribution capabilities give manufacturers new opportunities to address particular audiences. However, it also increases the potential of inaccurate digital material delivery. The Resource Group | Midwest has become an expert in guiding (and moving) manufacturers through the complex landscape of different reseller platforms. Our teams develop strategies for content curation and best practices of content production, all with the intended result of integrating the content  with specific resellers.  In collaboration with Incomar Services, we have configured a proper B2B PIM system for taking advantage of unique channels.

Two challenges we constantly see with content deployment are poor procurement and poor application. At The Resource Group | Midwest, we provide services to rectify the challenges manufacturers have with their content creation. We actively consider the constraints and opportunities of different resellers. We know that the production of content that fits all the most relevant reseller platforms is a priority that can be mismanaged, so assistance through the entireprocess is crucial for how we guide our manufacturers. Never losing sight of the end goals is a critical process for us at The Resource Group | Midwest.

The know-how of configuration and organization is a process that The Resource Group | Midwest has keyed in as a pivotal point for making our PIM system consistently effective. It is critical to acknowledge that just as products do not speak for themselves, content doesn’t speak for itself without proper application. It takes keen eyes, consistent reevaluation, and relevant research to deploy well to all reseller platforms.

The Resource Group | Midwest provides opportunities for manufacturers to take advantage of resellers’ nuances instead of getting lost in their complexities. New technologies appropriately deployed are powerful.